Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 6 Notables

     Not gonna lie, Week 5 was really fun! I had one day where it was full of "Firsts".  I was jumping, hi-fiving myself, wanted to let out a "woo hoo", but refrained, but I wanted to!  I had a great time, and still am!

     That WOD, I walked up a wall in to a handstand.  I haven't been upside down in YEARS!  That feeling is intense and definitely one that I will need to get used to.  Another 1st, was me stepping in to a Blue Band for assisted pull ups.  I've been doing Ring Rows, and I'm having some trust issue with the band.  Combine that with the lack of core strength, the fear of falling, and not being able to lift my own weight, well yeah, that's going to take some getting used to, as well.  BUT I did 3 banded pull ups.  Two days ago, I did 8 before switching to ring rows... so I'm not completely there, (WOD called for 12 on Mon), but if I keep adding on, I'll get there in another month or so.  The other first I did was jumping.  It's not on to the box just yet, BUT a stack of 45 lb weights, 4 of them, about 14 inches.  I jumped on those solid 30 times.

     Tonight's WOD calls for 15 box jumps per round (AMRAP), and I am freaking excited!  I might not be excited about the burpees (5 of those per round), and curious to see what the Med Ball Cleans are going to mean, but I know I can do this, with the stack of 45s, not the box just yet.

     I am encouraged for each tiny little improvement.  For this girl who was sitting on her couch 6 weeks ago, I'm already stronger than I was, lost an inch and a half in my waist and my hips, seeing more tone in my arms, feeling the strength in my legs, holding a plank longer than an athlete (she looked at me and said "How are you doing that??") I just smiled.

     I'm getting stronger.

     I still have a long way to go, but I'm definitely reaching toward the goals I put down for myself..

     I just wanted to make sure to note my little successes from last week before I forgot them.  I'll try to keep posting those as they happen.  I'm tracking my WODs by using MyWOD in the itunes store.  You can check in on  my times, if you want to be nosy, as they are posted on the website - see link on the bar up top.

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