Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hopeful Realist

It's not a secret that this "get fit, get healthy" journey hasn't been a quick one, or some spur of the moment "good idea".  At least for me.  It's taken a long ass time for me to get where I am right now, and I know I am NOWHERE near close to achieving my goals, but I'm closer than I was yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, etc...

I've not watched the Biggest Loser in years. I got tired of feeling guilty b/c I didn't see the results they saw, I felt so sad for the contestants, the ones that needed more but got kicked off the show... What a way to screw with the minds of those who need help. Being there for a week won't change those people. It leaves them feeling dejected and rejected.  I don't see how this is a good thing. Too much emotion for me, all generated by the guise of "reality". Blah.

But I guess it's not really about losing weight, getting fit, getting healthy... it's about ratings.  It's a game show with a few less flashing lights and ringing bells.

All of this to say, look, if you want to change, do it for you.  Find what works best for YOU.

There's nothing magical about making a change that will stick with you for the remainder of a lifetime. There are tools to help you, people who will go to the end of the earth to get you there, and hi-five you on the road. But ultimately it's a choice that you have to make for yourself.

I love helping people.  I love that Advocare has given me the opportunity to do that.  I trust Advocare because I trust the Sci-Med board with over 200+ years of experience. I trust the products that are approved by the Olympic committee and the top athletes in most sports / fields.  I cannot promise you the moon, but I can certainly tell you that Advocare, along with modifying my diet and adding Crossfit has finally given me the peace and security in finding the structure and elements that work for me.

I can't tell you enough how overwhelming and HEAVY it felt to continue to fail at fitness. I sucked at going to the gym. I sucked at motivating myself at home to do a workout every day. I sucked at sticking with bootcamp at 5:30 every morning.  I sucked at the C25K challenge (I plain suck at running).

I don't suck at getting to Crossfit.   I might suck at more than a few elements, but I still find the joy in getting it done.

If some of what I've learned for myself can help you, honestly, nothing makes me happier than sharing and helping others.

Please don't buy in to fads and quick fixes. There's nothing quick about making serious and dedicated changes.  Prepping your week with food, supplements (if you choose), and your gym schedule are the 3 things you HAVE to do. There is no way to be successful just winging it and hoping for the best.

If I can help you with recipes, share ways Advocare can help you (it's not just the 24 Day Challenge and Spark), invite you to join me in a Saturday morning Crossfit sesh, or give you some encouragement along your way, I would love to.

email me at advomeaux@gmail.com or leave a comment below.

*I am in no way a pro or certified in anything, I am just a girl who finally found the recipe for my own success

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