Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Maybe it was the French Fries

I'm officially on the 5x/week schedule. 6 mos to go.

Yesterday I logged workout 40.21.2.  That means 40th workout of the year, week 21 of workouts since I started at the end of October (really, that's all?? 21???)  and the 2nd workout of the week. (If you've been wondering what all that means on my Foursquare check-ins, well there ya' go...)

I was actually looking forward to the WOD. 1 400m run,  and 2x thru Sumo Deadlifts, Box jumps, & Pull ups.  Nothing that made me say "Oh crap".

Allergies, fast food lunch (I know better... I was just lazy and craving fries), mediocre Hershey's chocolate, and staying up too late watching stupid Scandal (thru 2 seasons and I'm still not finding it to be as "OMG" as people had made it out to be), all part of the head game that made yesterday's effort feel like I was just starting out, carrying twice my weight.

Everything was slow. I even had the "I don't care what my time says. I'll finish it, but I'm not going to hurry. I'm going to be the last to finish anyway, so why does it even matter?" thoughts in my head.

I finished in 11:40.  Eh, it was alright. I finished it. That's all I was doing.

I don't have a good reason for my mindset. I have excuses. There's a difference in those.

One accomplishment I did have was that I finally broke 100 lbs on my strength training. I hit 105# deadlifts. I could have tried more, but when I got the 105, I accepted that as enough.

And I just looked at today's WOD.


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